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Quality policy
Our company mainly produces pressed and welded body parts for the automotive industry, by metalworking, welding and finishing processes.
We have introduced EN ISO 9001:2015 (exp.: 05/09/2020) and IATF 16949:2016 (exp.: 05/09/2020) quality control in our daily processes.
Our company’s intention is to build trust and fully satisfy our customers by meeting their demands. We hope to achieve our goal by providing modern workplaces for motivated
employees working in a friendly environment, and by making profit that helps to maintain dynamic development.
We have always strived to fully satisfy our customers, by listening to their voice. Decisions are based on facts and precise planning ensured by a high-level management culture.
Customer focus
Customer focus plays a key role in the successful operation of our organization. We want to win our customers’ satisfaction and to maintain confidence in us by fulfilling our customers needs.[
Business partners
We strive to establish long-term, balanced and mutually beneficial partnership with our suppliers and customers.
We deliver our products on time to our partners at a price level to ensure adequate resources for the future development in reliable quality.
Our task
We consider the continuous improvement to be our primary task, which is achieved through the optimization and expansion of our technology, infrastructure, product manufacturing and logistics processes and by the appropriate use of available resources.
Environmental awareness
In order to work effectively and for the satisfaction of our workers, we use health and environment-friendly technologies and provide safe, civilized working environment.
The motivation system developed for the benefit of our employees provide sufficient incentive to eliminate errors and to provide quality work
We only employ subcontractors capable of supplying top quality products as required by our clients. We always monitor our supply and rate our suppliers accordingly.
Our most important partner is Magyar Suzuki Zrt., for which we have been a TIER1 supplier since 1992. In the beginning we supplied 50,000 units of only 14 types of parts per year. Today, however, we produce more than 20 million parts a year from nearly 310 different types of parts for the Swift, SX4 S-Cross and VITARA models, which are not only popular in Hungary.
Other partners and professional contacts
We have direct supplier relationships with Johnan Manufacturing Inc., Kirchhoff Hungária Kft., Titán’94 Kft., KVJ Művek Zrt., GEDIA Hungary Fém, Műanyag Ipari és Kereskedelmi Kft., MATADOR Automotive Vráble a.s. and Tower Automotive a.s.
We have established a fruitful cooperation with the Italian company ZANI SPA, which manufactures high-performance and reliable presses for us, based on our individual orders.
In the development of our robotization, automation and computer-controlled welding technology, we have been using with satisfaction the equipment of REHM Hegesztéstechnika Kft., Flexman Robotics Kft. and the Italian NORDA SPA.
We are members of the National Association of Hungarian Vehicle Parts Manufacturers, the Hungarian Automotive Industry Association and the Bács-Kiskun County Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
We are founding members of the „Hírös Suppliers Cluster” (HBK), an interest grouping established in the summer of 2008 by the Bács-Kiskun County Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
We were among the first to join the Responsible Family Businesses in Hungary Public Benefit Association (FBN-H) in February 2010, which brings together responsible family businesses in Hungary, communicates our values and promotes their interests.